



Title:                                        Kukkonia Tour

Organizer:                            Kukkonia NGO

Date and Place:                  23rd of June 2019, Dunajská Streda – MOL Aréna

Race director:                     Gábor Inczédi

Technical director:             Zoltán Csicsay

Race Timing Provider:      Sport Timing Slovakia s.r.o.

Contact:                                +421 905 442 658, tourdekukkonia [at] kukkonia.sk


Transaction details:

Name: Sport Timing Slovakia s.r.o. 

IBAN: SK7102000000002561869258


VS: you recieve the number and instructions via e-mail

Reference: you recieve the number and instructions via e-mail



Technical details

Race description:

Tour de Kukkonia – 80 km long road bicycle race, secured route, timing with chip technology – 2 escort cars (Motor-Car Dunajská Streda s.r.o.), police cars, ambulance, service car.

Tour de Kukkonia Easy – 36 km long bicycle race, timing with chip technology, secured route 2 escort cars (Motor-Car Dunajská Streda s.r.o.).

Kukkonia Family – 6 km long track, family cycling, partly secured roads by 2 escort vehicles.




Terms and Conditions of registration:

Application is possible from 26th of April 2019 to 20th of June 2019. (Race numbers with the Name of the competitor are available for the competitors who make the registration till 17th of June.) The registration is mandatory – registration fee is not refundable in case of absence.


Registration fee:

Tour de Kukkonia 80 km – 18 Eur, on-site 23 Eur – includes: chip technology, ticket for a warm meal, shower, baggage locker, medical service and a starter kit: Kukkonia and Minit products, Pí water, Biosaurus snack, vitamins. Race number counts as a raffle ticket, too.

Tour de Kukkonia Easy 33 km – 13 Eur, on-site 18 Eur – includes: chip technology, ticket for a warm meal, shower, baggage locker, medical service and a starter kit: Kukkonia and Minit products, Pí water, Biosaurus snack, vitamins. Race number counts as a raffle ticket, too.

Kukkonia Family 6 km – 6 Eur/person, under 15 years of age FREE of charge – includes: Pí water, 1 warm meal and a starter kit for kids: Kukkonia Chocolate milk, Biosaurus snack, products of Minit, vitamins. Race number counts as a lottery ticket, too. Registration fee on-site is the same.


Downloadable race routes

GPS Files are available for download also via the Kukkonia app.

Tour de Kukkonia: https://www.strava.com/routes/17785310

Tour de Kukkonia Easy: https://www.strava.com/routes/17785359

Kukkonia Family: https://www.strava.com/routes/13081627


Race Office:

MOL Aréna, Športová 1104/23, 929 01 Dunajská Streda



7:00 am – 8:30 am – registration, receipt of racing numbers which are also available on 22nd of June between 4 pm and 6 pm in Sector B of MOL Aréna in Dunajská Streda

9:00 am – briefing, instructions for racers

9:10 am – Ceremonial START for all categories and routes – standing start beyond the city boarders

9:30 am – Start of Tour de Kukkonia at the city limits

9:40 am – Start of Tour de Kukkonia Easy and Kukkonia Family at the city limits

1:00 pm – Lunch, Awards ceremony, Lottery


Categories: TOUR DE KUKKONIA 80 km

A - MASTERS A 19–29 Years old (2000–1990)

B - MASTERS B 29–39 Years old (1989–1980)

C - MASTERS C 40–49 Years old (1970–1979)

D - MASTERS D, 50–59 Years old (1969–1960)

E – MASTERS E, over 60 Years old (born before 1959)

F – WOMEN – no age categories

J– JUNIORS – to 18-Year-old (2001 and later)

+ the absolute fastest racer – Award of KUKKONIA

+ the fastest local racer W/M of Dunajská Streda and its region – Award of the Mayor of Dunajská Streda


Categories: KUKKONIA EASY 33 km

MEN 19–39 Years old (1980–2000)

MEN 40–59 Years old (1960–1979)

MEN over 60 Years-old (born before 1959)

WOMEN 19–39 Years old (1980–2000)

WOMEN 40–59 Years old (1960–1979)

WOMEN over 60 Years old (born before 1959)

JUNIOR BOYS – up to 18-Years-old (2001–2006)                    

JUNIOR GIRLS – up to 18-Years-old (2001–2006)



Each racer has to pay a deposit in an amount of 20 Eur for an active chip. At the end of the race the chip has to be returned to the organizers and the deposit will be refunded. In case of damage, loss of the chip, the organizer and/or the provider is entitled to a fee of 80 Eur. Each racer agrees with these terms by completing the registration.


Escort vehicles on the route of the Tour de Kukkonia:

  • Only the organizers’ and police cars are allowed to supervise, follow or drive with the racers.
  • On behalf of maximum safety no escort cars are allowed.
  • Escort cars of the organizers:

- one neutral car escorting the head group of the race (expected average speed 38-44 km/h)

- one neutral car escorting the peloton of the race, the second biggest group (expected average speed 30-36 km/h)

- one neutral car behind the last competitor

- ambulance, service car


Escort vehicles on the route of the Tour de Kukkonia Easy:

  • Only the organizers’ and police cars are allowed to supervise, follow or drive with the racers
  • On behalf of maximum safety no escort cars are allowed to the side of racers.
  • Escort cars of the organizers:

- one neutral car escorting the head group of the race (expected average speed 35-40 km/h)

- one neutral car escorting the peloton of the race, the second biggest group (expected average speed 29-35 km/h)

- one neutral car behind the last competitor

- ambulance


Final provisions and conditions

  • The Kukkonia Tour race should be completed based on the law of SCU (Slovak Cycling Union). The rules stated in this proposition apply for the other two races as well.
  • Wearing a helmet is mandatory even during the warm-up in the pre-race time.
  • All the participants should be in a good health condition, which alongside with agreement with the conditions they need to confirm with their signature on the start list.
  • In the case of cyclist under age of 18 their legal representative needs to sign the registration form.
  • By signing the registration, the participants allow the usage and other procession of visual recordings of the event.
  • All participants take full responsibility for their equipment and for the damages they cause.
  • All participants, cyclists, visitors and their company are participating the event on their own responsibility.
  • All cyclists and their company are taking full responsibility for the damages they cause for themselves or for the others.
  • The organizer is not liable for any injuries the racers may have or may cause during the race
  • For all the participants is mandatory to follow the traffic law and the instructions of the police and the organizers. The road would be only partly closed, the crossroads secured by the police and organizers.
  • The competitors of the race Tour de Kukkonia can use only road bicycles powered by human power without additional, auxiliary engines. The usage of triathlon/time trial attachments is not allowed for safety reasons. It is forbidden to race on cross, MTB, fixie, single-speed or city bikes.
  • Competitors of the race Tour de Kukkonia Easy can use only road bicycles powered by human power without additional, auxiliary engines.
  • It´s strictly forbidden to drop litter all the way long, except the stated places around the snack bar – there is a danger of disqualification.
  • The crossroads along the route of Tour the Kukkonia are secured by the police or local assistants – from the crossing of the first racer till the last competitor, but max. 40 minutes from the first passing racer.
  • We would like to warn the participants to follow the traffic rules, while asking the competitors with more than 40 minutes of drawback for increased caution.
  • call on to follow the traffic low and increased caution for competitors with more than 40 minutes of drawback.
  • The organizers reserve the right to change or modify this preposition in case of unexpected circumstances.
  • In case of bad weather, the organizers reserve the right to change the date of the competition. 


Conditions of processing personal data of participants

1. I declare that I was informed with the Conditions of processing personal data of participants of the Cycling race of Kukkonia Tour 2019.

2. I agree and give the right to NGO of Kukkonia (the organizer of the event) to process my personal data such as: surname, name, gender, age, residence, e-mail address, image and audio recordings of me at the event, agree to subscribe to Kukkonia newsletter and allow to send me event and race invitations, product and services information, to provide information about event for the public, to provide personal data for marketing purposes to its partner companies involved in the organization of this event and to third parties.

I give my consent voluntarily under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27th April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

3. By signing up for the race, each competitor acknowledges that at this event KUKKONIA TOUR 2019 – 23rd June 2019 will take part at its own risk, must follow the instructions of the organizers and must follow the traffic law. We recommend a medical check before the race. Organizers do not take the responsibility for damages on participants equipment, properties or health associated with the participation at the event. Minors can participate only with the consent of their legal representative and under their responsibility






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